Hello and Welcome to Sacred Spaces Ministry


God is with us, but sometimes we cannot seem to find Him. Other times, we see Him more clearly, like the red letter in the Bible that stand out to us if we know where to look.
Sacred Spaces exists to help people find a satisfying intimacy through a more developed prayer life using spiritual practices that move us to a relationship with God. For example, we need encouragement to slow down, become aware of God’s presence, open our hearts to receive the love of Jesus, spend time in prayer, learn to hear God’s voice, and discover our specific freedoms of Christ. There is a place of love, joy, peace, and hope but it is not from external striving. And unless you are in this place, you cannot understand. Through a variety of “Sacred Spaces” with practice and time, we can be drawn closer to the heart of God.  It is in Christ alone that we find a place of deep contentment and rest for our soul. Instead of rowing a boat upstream, each of us can learn to catch the wind (Spirit) and sail.

Creating spaces where people can know and experience God:

  • Spaces for soul care
  • Retreat spaces of all types for renewal, rest, and comfort found in Christ
  • Groups spaces with friends who listen, care, and pray for each other as we are stretched into Christlikeness.
  • Guided spaces in Scripture meditations that lead to relational prayer with Jesus.
  • Individual spaces for spiritual direction