What is Spiritual Formation?

Christian spiritual formation is the ongoing process of becoming more like Christ through a relationship with God. It’s less about methods and practices and more about participating in God’s work in our lives. Our experiences, trials, and spiritual practices – as well as our everyday relationships and community – shape our spiritual growth.

Spiritual practices like prayer, Scripture meditation, fasting, silence, and solitude can be valuable tools, but the ultimate goal is a deep, intimate relationship with Jesus. By being with Jesus – we start to become more like Him for us – for the sake of the world, and for the glory of God.

How is spiritual formation different from discipleship?

Spiritual formation and discipleship are intertwined journeys that nurture spiritual growth. Discipleship often involves structured activities like teaching, Bible study, and prayer styles like ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication) in shaping our minds to think like Christ. On the other hand, spiritual formation emphasizes deepening our personal relationship with God through practices like Scripture reflection, listening to God’s voice, various prayer types, and experiencing God’s presence. It’s a more heart-centered approach that fosters honesty and intimacy with God.

While discipleship provides essential knowledge, spiritual formation ensures we experience God’s love and grace personally. By combining both, we are better equipped to resist moral failure, live out Christlike lives, and actively participate in God’s mission to reach the world.

How does spiritual formation work?

Sacred Spaces is committed to helping individuals and organizations grow spiritually through retreats, spiritual direction, groups, and other experiences to draw close to God and be formed in Christlikeness. Recognizing the value of spiritual formation, we integrate it into many aspects of our ministry. If you or your organization desire to embrace spiritual formation, please set up a call and check out our Getting Started page.

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